
an Art Critic is a person who is professionally engaged in the analysis & interpretation of works of art

an Art Movement is a specific art style with a philosophy followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time

a Critique is an article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review

an Aficionado is a person who likes, knows about & appreciates a particular interest and fervently pursues it

an Escort is a person who under their protection, care, or safeguard accompanies another on a journey, not Berlusconi's definition

27 June 2011

Obiettivo Charleston

What:   40 plus photographs on exhibit
Who:   Bill Struhs, Gian Luigi Scarfiotti, John Brewton and Jack Alterman
Where: Via Visiale 1, Spoleto (historical center near Piazza Mercato)
When:  24 June through 10 July 2011

Three Americans and one Italian have 4 things in common; they are all men, photographers, exhibiters of their works and in one way or another involved with the Festival dei 2 Mondi, here in Spoleto Italy and Charleston South Carolina, USA.

During our Spoleto Italy’s festival right now, some 40 plus black and white, sepia toned and colorfully rich works are being shown. The intent was to introduce to Spoleto Italy to what her sister city looks like. These photographs span from Charleston’s historical southern architecture to its nature, wildlife, swamp and boating areas.

Gian Luigi Scarfiotti, the international artist photographer, I had the opportunity meet, got to know Charleston’s charm through a different means than being born, raised, or schooled there like the other three.

Gain Luigi took one of Charleston’s lovely ladies for his bride, not just being charmed the city’s beauty but through the striking beauty of his life, his lovely American wife, Terry. Interesting enough, he then exported her back to Italy where they both live in Tuscany.

The images that spoke to me were the wildlife. Being a global wild tiger advocate with WWF and art, the images of these osprey nests, egrets nesting with eggs and fishing boats drew me in. There are sunsets to 
Charleston’s festival performances.

The works amongst the four photographers are diverse but thoroughly allowing us here in our “little old Spoleto Italy” to so see their culture from afar.

The relationship between Spoleto and Charleston started in the late seventies and is now starting a new.

Since Gian Carlo Menotti’s death, the relationship between these two sister cities has been sabotaged by the Menotti family heirs to either maintain power and control over or destroy festival’s relationship between the 2 countries. Spoleto 

Italy‘s commune and volunteers of the festival have been worked diligently to repair and mend these severed ties.

The Italian saying, “All the worlds a country” rings true in this struggle to repair this global relationship. Damage was achieved to separate these two artistic forces but these four artists are doing their share to help rebuild the ties that remain.

The official recommendation and worldly advice from Frankly Francesca's says lets repeat and expand this global opportunity of sharing images of these two sister cities, continuing this effort that these 4 photographers started in an annual event between Spoleto and Charleston. Next round we need some Spoleto Italy photos in Charleston. 


The determination to move forward while looking back…

What:  20 portrait photographs
Where: Café Letteraio-Palazzo Mauri Spoleto
Who:   Virgilio Massani
When:  Now through July 15, 2011

Little by little in these past 4 years I’ve had the opportunity to get to know Virgilio Massani.  I would see a man swaying in a restricted but precise gait through Piazza Liberta’, one hand clutching a portfolio and the other a cane to balance his stride. His goal was clear… to arrive… his determination was clear, to arrive at Bar Canasta where his external office for private portfolio viewings could begin. This is how we first met by the chance the first time to do a visual history re-pass.

His signature style is black and white, MOMENTS OF THE PAST. The majority of his portfolio revolves around the Festival dei 2 Mondi, Spoleto’s international art explosion.

Virgilio was born in Terni, 7 April 1937. His parents arrived in Spoleto when he was 14. He grew in up in this small village or (my village as I call it) between two worlds, the world of Spoletini Umbrian culture and the world of the international artistic guests arriving each summer.

In his early twenties, a friend lent him his camera. Within these moments of snapping the camera’s buttons a new found love was found, photography. Off he went to buy his first camera, a PENTAX. That was nearly fifty years ago.

From that moment on, images no longer needed to be recorded and filed mentally as his Pentax became his external memory. He has a room dedicated to his some 40,000 images there.

One of his earliest memories was being struck by the beauty of a young beautiful Spoletina girl dressed simply in mini dress. The image so penetrated his mind, he asked her if her could photograph her, and she agreed. This ignited a passion of a life time. For the last 30 years he has been published and exhibiting throughout Europe in art shows, magazines and journals, not to forget his favorite model being Bridget Bardot.

He is now 75 and a bit wiser after experiencing a stroke 4 years ago and currently suffering from Parkinson’s disease. We learned that we both had experienced strokes and both suffered from incurable diseases that wreak havoc on our immune, neurological, and our bodies' failure to comply with our mind’s wishes. We share in common experimental drugs from the USA to relive our symptoms and help us moves forward. It seemed a simple thing to deepen our appreciation and respect for one another…

What I saw in this brief interview is what I have gotten to know about Virgilio and his aficionado for photography, a sheer determination…. a determination to move forward (despite his significant physical restrictions) while ensuring the past is told, told and told again. 

He is a visual historian documenting transient glimpses from the past where two worlds converged into one, Spoleto, Italy.

This photo exhibition is well worthy of a visit with some time to reflect, to look back at half a century’s glamorous past lives, with likes of Morgan Freedman, Ellen Stewart, a.k.a La MaMa and other famous musicians and performers amongst the 20 simple but striking works.